Versatility is our Specialty!


GCH CH Chrishelle's Always On My Mind CD BN RE JH CGC VC

2016 Carlyle X Tori Bitch

Mya was the pick female from the 2016 Tori X Carlyle litter. She found her way into the show home of the LeVoir's. She has shown excellent potential in all venues she has entered. She easily finished her championship followed by her grand championship. She has won best of breeds, owner-handler best of breeds, and multiple owner handler group placings. She passed her junior hunt tests with ease and advanced her obedience and rally titles. She is currently training for her Master Hunter. She has proven to be a fine example of the Chrishelle breeding. We are excited to see what more Mya will accomplish, both in the ring, the field, and in her future progeny. Mya had her first litter Spring of 2021 producing 4 beautiful healthy puppies sired by 20 year old semen by Patch. This mating brought together many old dogs from the past and creating a line breeding that is sure to bring the past to present.   OFA Health Clearances

Chrishelle Farm and GSP's