Versatility is our Specialty!
Beau joined Chrishelle Farm in 2016. He's a 2004 black and white National Show Horse by Sportz Sensation, out of KA LadyNBlack, an NV Beau Bey daughter. His show record is a mile long and includes national wins in hunter pleasure, and class A wins in country english pleasure, show hack, and halter. Michelle showed Beau in country English pleasure in 2016, but found he preferred to take it down a notch has has turned into a very successful hunter, especially on the Pinto Circuit. Beau achieved a Pinto Register of Merit in English pleasure after just 3 pinto shows! In the open show division, he has competed most recently in hunt seat pleasure, equitation, and halter. He earned the Minnesota Half-Arabian Horse Association 2017 Overall Open Show Highpoint!
Beau now occational shows at Pleasure shows and enjoys trail riding.
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Chrishelle Farm and GSP's